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How to Create a Drought-Resistant Landscape

Sep 01, 2022

Creating Your Drought-Resistant Landscape

Droughts have been occurring frequently across America. Global warming has been a constant threat to our planet. This partnered with wildfires has led to clean water becoming an even more valuable commodity. When droughts happen, local municipalities often impose strict water use limits. This can make it difficult to create and maintain a normal landscape. This has led to many property owners investing in drought-resistant landscapes. These landscapes keep their properties beautiful without having to worry about droughts ruining their hard work. Here are some simple ways you can create drought-resistant landscapes:

  • Artificial Plants: Artificial plants do not need to be watered. They are great for pots and even in the ground. If you are planting them into the ground, be sure to lay down a weed barrier to prevent weeds from sprouting in your garden.

  • Use Mulch: Mulch protects the roots of plants from heat and slows down the evaporation of moisture from the soil. This helps keep plants cool and watered during high temperatures.

  • Organic Compost: compost is a great source of nutrients for plants. It also acts like a sponge and is great for retaining moisture that can help keep your soil cool during hot temperatures or drought.

  • Drought-Resistant Plants: There are varieties of plants that are resistant to droughts and still look good in landscapes. There are cacti, Russian Sage, Coneflower, and more. These plants can handle hot temperatures and need minimal water to survive.

  • Hardscapes: Hardscapes are just areas made with stone. Stone does not need any maintenance. There is no need for water and the hot temperatures of California do not damage them. Your property can look beautiful with strategically placed hardscapes.

Visit Our Nursery Today for Drought-Resistant Plants!

West End Nursery is a local nursery serving the Marin, CA area. We provide drought-resistant plants that can tolerate droughts, need minimal watering, and provide beauty to your property. For example, cactus plants are just one of the many plants we have that are drought resistant. We also provide mulch and hardscape materials, both of which can be used in a drought-resistant landscape. Visit our nursery today to begin your journey of creating your new landscape!

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